First of all, a or a address is a great TLD to target an Phone Number List international audience with your website. But even if you only focus on one region, it is best to go for a generic TLD. In that case, it is advisable to indicate in Google Search Console which region you are Phone Number List targeting so that the search engine can take this into account in the ranking. When targeting, keep in mind that you can only specify one target country per website in Search Console. So, for example, if you only have one English-language version of your website content that you want to reach audiences in both America and the Phone Number List United Kingdom, it's a good idea not to set a target country.
Do you offer separate content for different Phone Number List countries with a generic TLD? With, for example, English content for the British market and Dutch content for the Dutch market? Then make sure you have a URL structure that allows entering them as two Phone Number List separate websites in Google Webmaster tools and targeting them each to a different country, for example: for the United Kingdom. Webmaster Tools Set at Google Webmaster Tools which country your Phone Number List website focuses on. Image: Pixabay.
International SEO with multiple country-specific Phone Number List TLDs You can of course also create a URL with its own TLD for each country. In the example above you would then put the Dutch-oriented content on example and the British content on example. Keep a Phone Number List few things in mind: Working with different domain names requires a higher investment of time and money. Because registering multiple domain names is simply more expensive, but in many Phone Number List cases it will also lead to more technical maintenance.